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Website Introduction:The Pathetic life of Swindler Jacques Ansems | Jacques Rymer. His full name is Jacques Antonius Arnoldus Ansems.
Other aliases he uses are Jacques Rymer, Jac Ansems, Jack Ansems, Jacq Ansems, Jac Ensems, Jack Ensems, Ensems.
Jacques Ansems is an International con man, sharper, blackleg, leg, crook, grafter, highbinder, faker, cheater, strikebreaker, charlatan, fraud, crook, trickster, cheat, slicker, fiddler.
His fraud practice trail is endless. Imprisoned in Germany after a à 1.000.000,-- swindle, he continues to lift as many people as possible.
This page gives a summary overview of his swindle practices and hopefully people will read this page before trusting his ridiculous stories. Jacques is especially interested in single rich women. After being sentenced in the Netherlands, June 2004 he moved his swindle practices to Australia.
Still in 2010 I receive information from people in Australia about his swindle practices.
Currently involved in an new business focused on Alzheimer,
Point Lonsdale, 92 Fellows Road, 3225 VIC Australia.
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